Raising the bar with the new ICF Malaysia homepage

1 February 2021

Last July, I volunteered to serve the International Coaching Federation (ICF) of Malaysia as its Communications Director. When I first joined, a few people questioned why I’d want to be part of this organisation as what they had perceived fell short of what one would deem a professional organisation.  

I also started out as a full-time executive coach, specialising in leadership, communication and health & wellness at that time and was hungry to get involved in the coaching industry.

Seven months later, it has been “helluva” journey, one that I never imagined for myself as a volunteer leader in ICF Malaysia. I thank my Management Committee peers for the opportunity to transform communications, as well as the trust extended to me to conceive and launch its largest project – the brand new ICF Malaysia website, signalling a leap into a new era of professionalism and new ways of working – one that the organisation needs in order to move to the next level in achieving its vision and mission in Malaysia.

My intimate involvement in leading the website project, all the way to drafting and reviewing its content and functionalities resulted in a constant soliloquy … “I’ve never had to work this hard before until I came to ICF Malaysia as a Communications Director! ….” For all intent and purposes, I re-discovered my mojo in the realm of strategic communications, especially during the final weeks leading up to the launch of the website last Saturday.

Having shifted beyond the fifth gear and mustering every hidden resolve and ounce of energy I had left, together with a few of the Management Committee members and the digital and web agency Dmn Famous, we powered on to ensure we would deliver the best MVP possible – one that boasts self-service features and empowers its members to express to impress their audiences. For the general public, it’s a website where all you need to know about professional coaching is available at your fingertips.

Since the launch of https://icfmalaysia.org, I’ve heard nothing but good news and feedback on the new experience. The goal to deliver a milestone communications platform/product has been achieved, if not surpassed, and I look forward to seeing communications in ICF Malaysia grow in strength and motivate members to contribute at a new level to the coaching community.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute my expertise in strategic communications, birthing a whole new gateway into the cyberworld for its members and raising the profile of ICF Malaysia to a new level. As I make room in the near future to embrace new opportunities, it is my hope that ICF Malaysia communications will continue to grow from strength to strength.

Thank you ICF Malaysia Chapter and the International Coaching Federation for the opportunity to be the Communications Director for ICF Malaysia in the past 7 months!

Michele Lum, PCC


Michele Lum is a C-suite executive, leadership, and health & wellness coach, whose passion for people has seen her take the leap of faith to pursue her life-calling as a coach to leaders and future leaders in topics ranging from leadership development, communication to health and wellness. She is also…read more

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