25 Areas to Focus on Coaching Salespeople

9 February 2021

In the hectic work environment, sometimes we overlook the prefect moments to coach and develop salespeople.

Here are some good situations to coach them:

  1. Performance review meetings
  2. Personal development sessions
  3. Work in progress update conversations
  4. Small group meetings
  5. When they succeed or make a breakthrough in sales achievements
  6. When they show the right sales behaviours and actions
  7. When they help and support others to succeed
  8. When they are stuck with the customer development plan
  9. When they are behind schedule meeting the monthly sales target
  10. When they show declining or inconsistent sales performance
  11. When ask you for the guidance and opinions to solve an issue
  12. When they show low confidence in dealing with difficult customers
  13. When they are fear of managing complex sales task
  14. When they are giving up or lost of fighting spirit / hope
  15. When they hesitate to make decisions
  16. When they are blaming others, things and situations for their failure
  17. When they are exhausted and overwhelmed with the workload
  18. When they dwell too much on low impact sales tasks and activities
  19. When they keep repeating the same mistake
  20. When they are practising in the sales call role-playing exercise
  21. When they fear or get stuck with a sales presentation or closing the sale
  22. When they don’t prepare well before meeting the customers
  23. When they constantly miss the daily, weekly, or monthly sales reports submission
  24. When you work with them in the field sales
  25. When you need they show commitment to complete a sales task

and many more…… the list is not exhaustive.

You’ll notice that coaching is not everything about correcting their mistakes. It is about a conversation helping them develop the right behaviours and build repeated successes. Catch them do the right things is equally important as helping them correct their mistakes.

How many of these sales coaching opportunities you might miss out? Share your comment below.

Simon Yap, PCC


Simon is an ICF-credentialed coach (PCC) and clocked more than 1,500 coaching hours helping C-suite executives, department heads, managers and HiPo talent excel in their personal growth and professional development. He is also a certified Facilitator, Trainer, Training Evaluator, and award-winning recipient of the Best Executive Coaching Provider at the…read more

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