ICF Malaysia Charter Chapter
Executive Committee (EXCO) Roles & Responsibilities

  1. ICF Malaysia Chapter ordinary member in good standing.
  2. ICF Trained / ICF Certified / ICF Credentialed Coach.
  3. Aligned with the Chapter Constitution and Roles & Responsibilities (stated below)
  4. Have previously volunteered in a Chapter committee or activity, and/or want to step up your level of contribution.
  5. Committed to hold office and complete 2-year term until the next election.
  6. Committed to upholding the values of ICF.
  7. Ready to work as part of the Chapter’s leadership team.
  8. Awesome team-player – providing support and cooperate with others to deliver on chapter objectives; acknowledging the importance of others’ contribution in team working; being open to new ideas and suggestions by others.
  9. Creative and innovative in shaping the future direction of the Chapter.
  10. Service oriented and willing to go the extra miles.
  11. Self-driven, enthusiastic and resilient to challenging conditions.
  12. Take personal responsibility and accountability for performance, results and outcomes.

Executive Committee (Exco) members serve as best-practice role models, exemplifying ICF’s ethics, standard, policies and brand as outlined in Chapter Leader Ethical Guidelines.

GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES (In Addition To Other Duties As Defined By Role)

Executive Committee members serving Non-profit member organizations are required by law and by custom to maintain certain records for several purposes, including:

  • Accurately recall and report decisions
  • Communicate membership requirements and eligibility to vote
  • Maintain continuity of policies and best practices
  • Establish accountability of officers and directors
  • Promote the Chapter in ways that encourages and supports the growth of our membership and the Chapter
  • Attend and participate in Management Committee meetings at least four (4) times a year in accordance with Chapter’s Constitution

Being part of a global non-profit organisation, it is our duty to:

  • Maintain a clear, recognizable and unified ICF brand identity, both within the ICF community and with all of our stakeholder groups in accordance with ICF Brand Manual
  • Direct prospective coach to ICF Global website “Training Program Search Service (TPSS)” in response to enquiries (via email and meetings) about coach-specific training certification programs and becoming-a-coach
  • Refer prospective coaching buyers/clients to ICF Malaysia website “Find A Coach” in response to enquiries (via email and meetings) about getting a professional coach
  • Support, assist, and collaborate with other members of the Leadership team representing ICF as an entity
  • Actively participate in and contribute to Chapter projects, programs and initiatives in unity
  • Adopt a growth mindset and respond positively to the suggestions and feedback of the chapter membership we serve

Executive Committee member is willing to commit a minimum of 10 hours per month, with some months being more intense than others. This includes mandatory attendance at the Management Committee meeting of at least four (4) times a year in accordance with Chapter’s Constitution.



The President is overall responsible for leadership and sets direction for the local Chapter while ensuring that the Chapter fulfils its obligation to ICF. The President will be familiar with the policies and procedures of ICF, with the Chapter’s by laws, and with the duties of all other office bearers. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Establish the vision and mission statement for the Chapter along with the EXCO.
  2. Develop and set strategy (with the EXCO) for the Chapter on an annual basis including projects, programs and membership services.
  3. Develop (with the EXCO) a sustainable model of membership and financial growth.
  4. Work closely with the EXCO to identify members with leadership potential to ensure succession planning of the EXCO.
  5. Preside over all General and EXCO meetings.
  6. Represent ICF Malaysia Chapter in its dealings with outside persons.
  7. Plan a budget with the Treasurer to be reviewed and approved by EXCO.
  8. Provide support and direction to each EXCO members in their respective roles and responsibilities, and function areas.
  9. Provide ICF Headquarters with the list of elected committee members and board changes.
  10. Respond to enquiries regarding chapter and membership in situations that cannot be resolved by other EXCO members in their respective areas.


To foster continuity of leadership, the current President shall serve in the following term on the EXCO as the Immediate Past President. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Provide historical perspective on process and procedure
  2. Serve as an experienced resource for the Leadership Team
  3. Coach and mentor the EXCO to succeed in their areas and towards succession planning
  4. Serve as an ambassador to promote leadership opportunities for the Board of ICF Malaysia
  5. Serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee


The Vice President will be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the President. In the absence of the President, this person will stand in and assume the office of President. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Work closely with the President to develop strategy, plan and budget of the Chapter.
  2. Develop collaboration programs with an objective to establish strategic partnership with other organizational entities in the country and improve presence of ICF in Malaysia.
  3. Oversee ICF Malaysia’s internal and external diversity initiatives and goals. Foster a shared commitment to diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice as part of ICF Community.
  4. Drive and spearhead new endeavors agree by EXCO as part of the plan for the term.
  5. Work closely with the President and EXCO to develop leaders from within the membership and committees to have on-going succession planning for chapter leaders.
  6. Oversee the activities and progress of various committees, programs and initiatives as directed by the President.


The Honorary Secretary shall keep all records, except finances of the ICF Chapter. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Responsible for the correctness of the registration and legal documents of the local Chapter.
  2. Keep accurate and complete records of all General and EXCO meetings including minutes, correspondences, forms, attendees of meeting, official documents.
  3. Manage annual election process, notice of meetings.
  4. Coordinate and schedule all monthly meetings of all General and EXCO meetings.
  5. Responsible for updating the Registrar of Societies on the new slate of officers.
  6. Maintain an up-to-date Register of Members of the local Chapter at all times in accordance with the requirements of Registrar of Societies.
  7. Maintain a record of all bylaws, past and present.
  8. Ensure that an up-to-date copy of the bylaws is available at all meetings and to members.


The Honorary Treasurer is responsible for the safekeeping of all the Chapter funds and financial reporting to its members. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Keep written records of all monetary transactions and responsible for its accuracy.
  2. Establish proper accounting procedures and financial controls.
  3. Maintain proper and complete filing of all receipts and expenditures for ease of reference and audit.
  4. Supervise the collection of membership fees, program fees and other monies; and pay Chapter bills and expenses.
  5. Prepare appropriate budget and expenditure report for programs/events organised.
  6. Coordinate half yearly financial audits – interim and final with the auditors.
  7. Responsible for completing and updating Chapter Financial Report to ICF Global as part of the annual chapter reporting process.
  8. Provide the EXCO an updated financial report each month.
  9. Oversee the development and observation of board financial policies.
  10. Make recommendations to the EXCO on the financial aspects of the chapter and advise on feasibility of chapter expenditures.
  11. Work closely with Membership Committee on the membership dues.
  12. Act as the Finance Chair for the chapter’s biennial national conference.


Responsible for building and managing the communications between ICF Malaysia and key audiences such as members, coaching community, and general public. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Establish and drive a multi-channel communications strategy (email, newsletter, social media, website etc).
  2. Create and implement a communications agenda to members and coaching community
  3. Prepare and manage communications material to provide regular, meaningful and
  4. consistent information to members and stakeholders.
  5. Manage newsletter that includes announcements of upcoming events, awards, welcome new members, acknowledgements of members’ achievements and other chapter news on timely basis.
  6. Responsible for dissemination of information via website and social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
  7. Drive the content and direction of the social media communication to increase ICF Malaysia’s engagement with members and public.
  8. Create response to public inquiry with the support of EXCO.
  9. Develop and manage a working group or sub-committees that includes an emphasis on editorial and social media expertise.


Responsible for ICF Malaysia’s marketing and PR strategies, including overall branding and publicity. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Create and implement ICF Malaysia’s marketing and PR plan with strong adherence to ICF’s brand strategy.
  2. Set and administer an annual Marketing & PR budget.
  3. Create and manage a calendar of marketing campaigns and thought leadership contributions. Leverage on ICF’s global resource (Eg: Thought Leadership Portal, Research Publications etc) to implement marketing initiatives and expand coaching awareness in Malaysia.
  4. Liaise with prospective advertisers to generate consistent revenue stream from website advertising.
  5. Manage media relations and develop contacts with media members.
  6. Oversee the marketing content of ICF Malaysia in various channels and ensure information is up to date to support ICF Malaysia’s goals in promoting professional coaching in Malaysia.
  7. Drive the content and direction of the website to increase ICF Malaysia’s influence and engagement.
  8. Perform regular reviews of the website and marketing content to ensure information is timely and current.
  9. Develop and manage a working group or sub-committees that includes an emphasis on marketing, branding and thought leadership.


Responsible for engaging and building a vibrant network of members. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Actively engage members to ensure a meaningful and satisfying member experience thereby supporting them in achieving their own goals and objectives as ICF Malaysia members.
  2. Proactive guardian of the overall member relationship, identifying and responding to members’ needs.
  3. Welcome new members and host quarterly new member orientations.
  4. Organize activities including quarterly members’ networking events and annual celebration for new credentialed holders and volunteers.
  5. Recruit and enroll new members and retain existing members. This may include communication campaigns, such as phone outreach, a letter, special messaging, or an email request to participate in a survey.
  6. Review ICF Global membership lists and identify new members to local Chapter. Conduct outreach to unaffiliated members (those who have not joined ICF Malaysia Chapter). List can be downloaded from ICF Global website.
  7. Drive annual membership renewal initiatives. Facilitate and work closely with Treasurer on the collection of membership dues.
  8. Maintain and keep a monthly members list detailing information – local no.; global no. and expiry date; member’s name; email address; cell phone no.; membership official receipt no. and receipt date.
  9. Organize activities for membership recruitment and retention.
  10. Support initiatives that create ways for members to become involved and take action toward achieving chapter goals and objectives.
  11. Ensure timely process of membership application in the ICF Malaysia website.
  12. Conduct a yearly survey of chapter members that includes an emphasis on engagement, retention and volunteer opportunities.
  13. Develop and manage a working group or sub-committees that includes an emphasis on design and implementing members’ engagement programs.


Responsible for ensuring continuous professional development for our members by creating high quality programs/events that encourage members’ participation. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Create and implement ICF Malaysia’s Professional Development plan with strong adherence to ICF’s education and credentialing blueprint.
  2. Build Communities of Practice by engaging members who are interested in specific topic areas. These communities shall provide a platform for sharing best practices, emerging trends, tools and tips among members to advance their professional development.
  3. Plan and produce a long-term education agenda and innovative program, using multiple formats that offer a wide range of development opportunities and offer ways for coaches to gain CCEUs.
  4. Create an annual events calendar with the EXCO.
  5. Guide the respective community of practice / program chairperson and support them to source for suitable speakers using a standard flow of speaker engagement process to maintain professionalism when engaging with speakers.
  6. Solicit and review speaker proposals.
  7. Manage CCE program and obtain approval from ICF headquarters.
  8. Facilitate partnership with other professional associations, learning organizations, other ICF chapters and others that expand learning opportunities and co-create new initiatives.
  9. Guide the program team in event logistics – event locations, food and beverage needs, audio-visual support and technology links in the case of virtual events.
  10. Maintain event registrations and facilitate event feedback from participants and share with relevant stakeholders (Eg: EXCO, speakers, project team etc).
  11. Conduct yearly survey for member’s feedback on coach learning, development and programming.
  12. Develop and manage a working group or sub-committee that includes an emphasis on education event, credentialing, and community of practice.


The role is responsible to accelerate ICF Malaysia’s impact on social progress through coaching. This role will be familiar with ICF Foundation’s direction – social impact correlates to the ripple effect that coaching will have on social system change organizations. We look towards aligning with those organizations that will affect the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The main responsibilities include:

  1. Develop and implement ICF Malaysia’s plan to create social progress through coaching with strong adherence to ICF Foundation’s strategy.
  2. Identify local partners and launch initiatives to accelerate and amplify system change with our partner organizations.
  3. Connect and equip ICF Malaysia and partner organizations to accelerate and amplify impact on social progress through coaching
  4. Create awareness of coaching to non-profit organizations and charities.
  5. Facilitate the opportunities for our members to serve the community via pro-bono coaching projects.
  6. Set and administer an annual budget for social impact projects
  7. Ensure the compliance of documentation and requirements related to ICF Foundation projects.
  8. Develop and manage a working group or sub-committee to lead various projects – Ignite, pro-bono coaching initiative etc.


Responsible for designing and implementing an efficient and effective IT system and platform. Main responsibilities include:

  1. Analyses ICF Malaysia’s business requirements for digital needs and systems.
  2. Designs and implements technology needs to improve ICF Malaysia’s efficiency in terms of website domain and management, email system, virtual facility, database and storage, etc
  3. Identifies and eliminates security risks related to the usage of IT and virtual platform.
  4. Set and administer an annual technology budget.
  5. Perform timely update of ICF Malaysia website to ensure events, CCE certificates and chapter wide communications are upload timely and accurately.
  6. Manage and coordinate external vendor for all IT requirements.
  7. Perform periodical review of the performance of our technology tools and platform.
  8. Provide recommendations to the EXCO regarding technology tools and digital platform that enhance operation effectiveness.

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