YES, you need to identify the Uncoachables!

9 February 2021

As a manager, you may already be providing some level of coaching to your team. Sometimes, no matter how much, how hard, or how diligently you coach, you find the individual is not improving.

You need to be able to discern when coaching is not working.

The following are indicators that people are not “coachable” for now:

1. Commitment

Ø Does not show interests for self-development.

Ø Have priorities on other more important matters.

Ø Lacks discipline to follow-through on agreed action steps.

Ø Prefers tactical methods, tips, and tricks for quick fixes.

2. Capacity

Ø The person needs to have capacity to improve skill to desired level. For example, project management, strategic thinking, and even coaching skills are not coachable – you need to learn and develop over time.

Ø When commitment or capacity is low, coaching will not help. Instead, enrol in a course or assign to a better role-fit will work better.

3. Comfort zone

Ø Feels confident, contented, and secured in the current role, work scope, or status.

Ø Does not like to lose control for fear of uncertainties.

Ø Afraid of consequences of change and prefers status quo.

Ø Not open to experiments or new learnings.

Ø Prefers to be self-reliant and not ask for help.

4. Blind spot

Ø Lack self-awareness of impact of their behaviours on other people.

Ø Defensive about comments on their weakness

Ø Do not think there is a problem with self but everyone else is the problem.

5. Timing and Circumstances

Ø They may not be coachable for the moment.

Ø When time is right, or situation is conducive – either a push from current discomfort or a pull to a more exciting vision

Ø They will be ready, and you will be prepared!

Spot the indicators, save time, skip your heroic measures, and move on.

Chong Sook Leng, PCC

LEADERSHIP COACH | BUSINESS COACH | MENTOR to BUSINESS OWNERS and PROFESSIONALS My mission is to support individuals and enterprises thrive and flourish in their endeavors. ⭐️Craft your unique leadership brand by being and showing up as your best self. ⭐️ Accelerate your growth by leveraging on your innate talents,…read more

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