Enhance Employee Experience with the Coaching Experience

5 September 2021

Enhance Employee Experience with the Coaching Experience

A strong coaching culture will make an organization become the top employer in the employer market. Employees will be proud to share externally, and candidates will want to be part of the company. Top talents prefer to join a company with a culture of openness, creativity and innovation, diversity and inclusion, collaboration, and focus on development.

The employee experience is critically important in retaining employees. HR needs to look into the stages of employee experiences and enrich them with the coaching experience.


Millennials say that the “quality of the manager” is a top factor they consider when looking for a new job. Strong internal employer branding has successfully attracted not only young talents but experienced managers to join coaching organizations. Instead of investing in external employer branding, putting resources into building a coaching culture will position the organization as a better brand in the employer market.


Hire candidates who possess coaching traits. For example, a manager who is empowering and engaging, has the development mindset, challenges the status quo, and embraces diversity and inclusion.

Hire an individual with a coachable mindset, who is open to feedback, is open to collaboration, self-development focused, and loves to help people.



It’s also essential for new employees to experience the coaching organization and the culture on the first day. The onboarding process is important to provide the first opportunity to identify a coaching opportunity, and it also introduces the coaching culture experience to a new employee as well as the company values and coaching culture direction, open-concept working spaces,
and diversity and inclusion practices.


Incorporating coaching into the leadership program is one effective way of cultivating a coaching culture. It allows the manager and senior director to assess coaching knowledge
and skill.


Engagement plays a bigger role in cultivating a feedback culture where any employee (regardless of position) gives feedback to an individual constructively. Feedback giving is one of the most important skill sets for coaches and managers, and it will certainly help foster an open and transparent organization.


When the right employees are hired and receive the right expectation of their job during the onboarding process, given adequate leadership training, and engaged well with constructive feedback, he or she will be able to perform well.


Talents need to be developed through stretch assignments or a job rotation with provided mentors or coaches. A coach plays an important role in facilitating the talent’s career path, aspiration, skill set, and alignment to the organization.


Identify and promote top talents who are high performers with coaching traits.

Ng Eng Hooi, PCC


Eng Hooi is the Head of Learning and Development for Lotus’s Stores Malaysia, where his key mandate is to develop talents, learning strategies, and cultural change programmes for all levels of employees across the head office, sixty-five stores, and distribution centers, ensuring the sustainability of the business. He is a…read more

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