MCC Live July 2024

10 July 2024

The Music and the Dance of Coaching

Claire Pedrick, MCC

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

8.00 pm to 9.15 pm


Free for ICF Malaysia Members

USD15 for Non ICF Malaysia Members

Session Description

Artful coaching – or mastery (using the ICF description) is about flow and ease.  Flow is not about the quality of questions. The music and the dance of coaching are what you experience when the recording and the transcript of a coaching conversation don’t match.

After Claire wrote Simplifying Coaching in 2020, some people said they loved the concepts but that they couldn’t do it.  How we are in the room impacts how what we do lands with our thinking partner.


Sharing insights from her new book, co-written with Lucia Baldelli, Claire will do a live coaching demonstration with one of us, and share some simple tweaks that will make transformation more likely to happen in those you coach. Find out about the partnership in the sound and the dance of coaching that keeps a conversation in flow, and about what gets in the way.


You’ll learn some stuff that is deep and simple, and you’ll be able to put what you learn into practice straight away.

Your Take-aways

By the end of the session you will

  • Know how to be more in flow in coaching
  • Be able to work in more effective partnership
  • Have insights that will support your development as a coach – especially if you are going for accreditation


Core Competencies

Resource Development



About The Speaker(s)

Claire Pedrick, MCC

CLAIRE PEDRICK is a Master Certified Coach (MCC Accreditation from International Coach Federation) working with individuals and organizations – one of the first coaches to be assessed under the new MCC criteria that came in 2012. She received an award of the Outstanding Contribution to Coaching 2022 from Henley Business School.


Claire is an energetic and inspirational trainer and speaker, an experienced and skilled facilitator, a qualified Coaching Supervisor and a Mentor Coach who works with new and experienced coaches around the world.


She is a host at The Coaching Inn podcast and an author of Simplifying Coaching and The Human Behind the Coach.


With more than 30 years’ experience of coaching and a passion to support coaches to do   less and go deeper, Claire believes in doing less and enable others to do more. A few people come when they want to think something through and get new insights. She facilitates other people’s thinking. A mother. A friend. A volunteer.


Claire still learning about power and partnership. It’s an interesting ride which she shares through blogs and podcasts as she goes. She’s interested in how we are present in coaching and work in partnership in spite of power differences.


Claire believes that great coaching comes from our technical skills and our humanity to make coaching supervision accessible to all. She delivers coach training (at all levels) and mentor coaching to experienced coaches. She developed STOKeRS and the Coaching Container to make it easier for her and now others to be able to work better in partnership. She hosts a supervision community for people who can’t afford or don’t have enough to bring every month.

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