Wai K Leong

Mobile: +60123131280

Credential: MCC

Coaching Specialty: Business, Career, Coach Facilitation/ Training, Communications, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Performance, Team

Wai K Leong

Mobile: +60123131280

Credential: MCC

Coaching Specialty: Business, Career, Coach Facilitation/ Training, Communications, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Performance, Team

Training Programs

  • Certified Professional Coach l International Coach Academy l 2003

About the Coach

* ICF Certified Advance Team Coach 2023
* ICF Master Certified Coach 2012
* Voted best coach in Asia Pacific 2021
* ICF Circle of Distinction Inductee 2019
* ICF Global Board Director – 2015 – 2018
* ICF Global Vice President - 2017
* ICF Malaysia Chapter President – 2007 - 2012
* Senior Leadership experience- 25 years
* General Manager of PLC- 10 years
* Group General Manager- 5 years
• Trained and coached > 10,000 leaders
• Leadership coaching experience > 3000 hours

E D U C A T I O N / C R E D E N T I A L S
* ICF Certified Team Coach (ACTC) 2023
• ICF Circle of Distinctions Award 2019
• ICF Certified Master Coach 2012
• Bachelor of Science (Honors) 1983
• Hogan Certified 2015
• Author of 2 leadership-coaching books
• ICF Trained PCC Credential Assessor

Written Articles

Influencing People to Change

That is a question I'm often asked and here are some questions to think about. When was the last time you resisted change even though you know it is good for you? Do you remember a time when you were about to attempt something new but you held yourself back,...

9 Tips to Boost Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is our internal sense of self-worth. It is a result of our judgments about our abilities, contributions and value. Having a healthy level self-esteem is critical to our happiness and confidence to handle work and life challenges. However when one has an overload of self-esteem, one may come across...

Seven Habits of Exceptional Board Members

I have just returned from an ICF board meeting in Florida and was inspired to write on this. While these points are written in the context of a board setting, I believe that these tips are equally applicable to any team environment. I have had many opportunities to work with...

Public Speaking with Confidence

One common topic, when I work with leaders, is the area of public speaking. Common challenges in public speaking are "managing anxieties" and "mind going blank" when in front of an audience. So here are some tips to handle these potential situations. Anxieties - Even experienced speakers experience anxieties. The difference...

Holding conversations with difficult employees

As a leader, one of the toughest situation at work is when we have a non-performing staff who is not responding to our feedback, guidance and support. In this situation, the coaching approach might not be the most effective way to handle the situation. Coaching works well when there is collaboration, mutual trust...

Shifting out of Negative States

As a coach or a leader, emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, anxieties, worry, shame, guilt are strong emotions that can interfere with our well-being and leadership effectiveness. Emotions are just energies arising from our interpretations and meanings that we have attached to any event or people. You may be already...

Deep Listening

Recently, I presented to a group of coaches the power of deep listening. Many of us normally listens at the content level of the conversation. This level of listening involves hearing the spoken words; interpreting and understanding the messages that the words convey. The spoken words convey the story, situation,...

Leadership Development: Which is best? Coaching, Teaching, Mentoring?

In order to answer this question, we first need to understand the distinctions between them and the value of each approach. While many see teaching, mentoring and coaching as somewhat synonymous and interrelated, they are in-fact distinctly different. Firstly, we need to be aware that there is the label and the process. A...

Understanding & Leading Millennials

Millennials are people who are aged between 20 to 35, as at 2016. They are also known as the Gen Y's, Internet Generation or i-Gens, Why do Baby Boomers and Gen X leaders generally find leading the younger generations frustrating? The answer lies in the differences in values, mindset, expectations...

Judgement with Mindfulness

I contributed this article on the ICF Blog http://coachfederation.org/blog/index.php/8102/, and here is the article for you. Wow! How time flies! We are coming towards the end of the first quarter and as I reflected on this period, looking for some interesting perspectives to share, the word “judgment” came up. It happened...

SHIFT To Mastery

Welcome to the world of coaching. This is a crucial skill for leaders to engage, empower and unleash the potential of individuals and teams in organisation. Here, I hope to share my journey and learnings over the last 25 years as a leader and a coach, in the hope to...

Change Your Story, Change Your Life

Do you want a better life? Do you want a life that is full of zest, happiness and fulfilment? If yes, then just change your story. The life that we live now is a result of the stories that we tell ourselves. That small little voice in our head that...