Mobile: +60125084478

Credential: ACC

Coaching Specialty: Career, Life, Others


Mobile: +60125084478

Credential: ACC

Coaching Specialty: Career, Life, Others

Training Programs

About the Coach

Susan Poh is a Retirement Coach committed to changing the way people think about, and plan for the non-financial aspects of retirement. As a certified professional coach, she has found retirement to be the most fascinating, yet least understood phase of life, and is passionate about helping people navigate the changing retirement landscape.

Her objective is simple: to help people build confidence in this next chapter, so they do not spend the first and most valuable years of retirement, trying to figure out who they are. And she does this by using a time-tested, proven approach, which targets the mental, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of retirement.

Her warmth and openness encourage people to design their own retirement success roadmap. She offers coaching sessions focused on helping professionals, as well as couples. Susan is married to her husband, Dylan and together they live in Penang, Malaysia with their daughter, Mirabelle.

Written Articles

What Coaches Need To Know About Couple’s Retirement Coaching

#1 It’s not easy Retirement creates various layers of complexities for an individual. So much more for a couple trying to figure retirement out together. Here, retirement coaches have a profound opportunity to anchor constructive conversations for clients, reveal the differences they are facing, help them reach some common ground,...

How Coaching Can Be A Powerful Tool For Changing People’s View On Retirement

Traditionally, people have approached retirement only by having invested in their careers and savings. Almost all retirees I have interviewed wish they had invested in themselves more. They wish they had gotten the memo on the benefits of retirement coaching, and lament having relied on their own understanding of what...

Making A Difference Through Retirement Coaching

I will be sharing in this short article what I have learned about the importance of retirement coaching. Today when we talk about retirement, we are having a lot of 'surface' conversations, meaning 90 percent of what really happens in retirement doesn’t get talked about, let alone planned for. And that's where we...