Phoebe H.Y. Chan

Mobile: 0175710999

Credential: N/A

Coaching Specialty: Career, Health & Wellness, Life, Leadership, Performance, Others

Phoebe H.Y. Chan

Mobile: 0175710999

Credential: N/A

Coaching Specialty: Career, Health & Wellness, Life, Leadership, Performance, Others

Training Programs

About the Coach

Meet Phoebe Chan, an ICF certified- Life Transformation and Image Coach with nearly 20 years of experience in the medical aesthetic wellness field. Being a founder of a few companies & a training academy, Phoebe has a wealth of knowledge and expertise that has made her a go-to resource for individuals and organizations alike.

Phoebe is passionate about empowering people, especially women to achieve their full potential by transforming the way they see themselves & improve into a better version of themselves from the inside out.

With her NLP practitioner background, she has the skills and tools needed to help clients overcome limiting beliefs and reframe negative thought patterns. She believes that everyone has the power to achieve their goals and live their best life, and her coaching sessions are designed to help clients tap into that power and create lasting change.
In addition to that Phoebe is also a career and transition coach. With her experience working closely with HR experts, she understands the ins and outs of the challenging job market and is able to help clients navigate career transitions with ease. Phoebe's coaching sessions are tailored to each individual client's needs, and she provides personalized guidance and support every step of the way.

Whether you're looking to:

- Breakthrough & Transform yourself
- Find your life purpose
- Discover the inner gem & Enhance the true beauty in you
- Improve your self-image & confidence
- Advance or Change your professional career
- Fine-tune alignment of Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit

Phoebe is a coach you can trust to help you achieve your goals. Her unique approach, coupled with her background, experience & expertise, make her a valuable resource.
She coaches in Mandarin, Cantonese, Dutch & English.

Contact her today to learn more about her coaching services and take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilling life.

"Living a Beauti-Full Life is simply a matter of choice!" - Phoebe Chan

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