Kareen Woo

Mobile: +60129586833

Credential: ACC

Coaching Specialty: Coach Facilitation/ Training, Communications, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Performance, Team

Kareen Woo

Mobile: +60129586833

Credential: ACC

Coaching Specialty: Coach Facilitation/ Training, Communications, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Performance, Team

Training Programs

  • Advanced Solution Focused Coach l International Alliance of Solution Focused Teaching Institute (IASTI) l 2023
  • l l

About the Coach

Nothing can stop you from pursuing your dream, even when you feel limited by your resources.

I remember the time when I thought my dream was on the verge of shattering due to my family's financial condition. I had envisioned completing my degree in the UK and obtaining professional certifications in Marketing, aspiring to become a successful career woman running her own business. However, my dad broke the news that he couldn't afford to support me.

We were facing challenging situations that required prioritization. I recall sitting in front of the computer on ICQ while he apologized for his incapability. It was heart-wrenching, but I didn't want to burden my dad further. So, I reassured him that I would be okay, even as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Young and inexperienced, in a competitive market, I had no guidance on my options or advice on how to regain momentum toward my dreams.

Determined to move forward, I began planning strategies to achieve my unequal success. With numerous trials, errors, and failures, and often challenged by many obstacles, there were times I feel giving up on getting to what I wanted - a vague goal of becoming someone prominent in the world of business.

However, I was lucky to have seniors and leaders who have mentored and coached me through my obstacles and in that journey, I was able to gain clarity of my goals. With the support of these wonderful leaders and my grit, I eventually discovered the strategies that worked best for me and helped me to thrive through the ups and downs.

I owned businesses in my early 20s and then I thrived in C-level positions for corporations as a corporate leader, earning a 5-figure annual income in my 30s before transitioning into coaching. My proudest moments were when my team of executives excelled in what they did and continued to step up as emerging leaders.

Now, as an entrepreneur and coach, I understand the intricacies of developing personalized strategies for success. Armed with the knowledge of what it takes to thrive, I am eager to coach you on attaining success with strategies tailored to your unique strengths as a leader within your organization.

If you're ready to discover how you can thrive or nurture a thriving team, connect with me.

(Kareen Woo is an ICF-ACC executive coach passionate about supporting mid-sized organizations to build leaders and teams that thrive in the VUCAH market with individualized strategies. She is a certified Advanced Solution-Focused Coach & Red Team Practitioner.)

Written Articles

5 Steps to Embrace and Overcome Fear

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Leadership Advice for First Time Managers

You are finally assigned to lead executives. Whether as a team lead or a manager, this is the start of more promotions and an upward career path but only if you prove yourself. Leadership is an important skill that corporate management and SMEs owners look for when they identify talents...