MCC Live – May

6 May 2021

Embodying a Beginner’s Mind for Systemic Change

Saima Butt, MBA, MCC

Thursday, 6 May 2021

8:00pm - 9:45pm


Free for Member

RM 45 for Non Members

Session Description

So much of what we were sure of has changed recently within our small communities, large organisations, society and the planet. Are we, as coaches, keeping abreast of these changes in our conversations or holding onto the old ways for safety? How are we navigating our courage and coaching to best serve what’s needed for now? What is being left un-said in our conversations as agents for change? The intention for this 90 minute engagement will be to develop a conversation among us to answer these questions. Make sense of what’s required from us as professional coaches, creating a space for listening actively and learning collaboratively. We will do this interactively in the main room and within small groups. Come along with an open mindset, which is curious, flexible and together let’s deepen our awareness for who we are now as we engage our clients and challenge what really matters in today’s world.

Participants will have an opportunity to discuss aspects of coaching “the client’s context, identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs to enhance understanding of what the client is communicating”, (CC #6.1) and “Remains aware of and open to the influence of context and culture on self and others” (CC#2.4)

Your Take-aways

  • What’s being left un-said in our coaching conversations
  • How are we, as coaches, engaging in the questions that matter in today’s world
  • Ways to impact at scale for systemic change


Core Competencies


About The Speaker(s)

Saima Butt, MBA, MCC

For Saima, coaching and societal progress are inextricably linked. Her purpose is to connect people with the abundance of their potential. She holds a vision for humanity in which people come together to generate social change for an equitable place for all to thrive.

She is co-founding director of a business approaching 20 years delivering in private and public sector organizations. Her coaching, training, mentoring and facilitation are drawn on by executive leaders wanting to create and drive change. Leaders are drawn by her passion in applying strategic thinking and intuitive awareness in delivering focused outcomes for business success.

After university, corporate experience, the pharmaceutical industry, and an MBA, she certified as a Master Trainer and Master Certified Coach (MCC) with the International Coaching Federation. Saima served as UK ICF Chapter Board Director, on the Inaugural Council of Ambassadors, ICF Foundation and is now Treasurer & Board Trustee on the ICF Foundation

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