My ICF Journey

17 January 2021

Coaching is a calling.  Not everyone can coach. In 2013, I was contemplating my journey in life and I decided to take up a coaching program. A few years earlier, I had attended an NLP training and the thought to build an agency I knew I needed to be a coach. However, God had other plans for me, and I ended up in Myanmar from 2014 to 2016. In these 2 years, I coached a few people who were part of the team. Today they are doing very well in their career and in their lifes.  In  2018 I decided that I took a refresher in Coaching and did so in 2018.

As the famous Chinese proverb says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.  I decided in 2018 that to be a coach I needed a coach to coach me. I went through a journey of 6 lessons of coaching. This session encouraged me to go futher, beyond my horizons. So I decided to serve in ICF Malaysia. In 2019 I was asked if I wanted to take the role of Organising Chair for the ICF Summit. Being Adventurous and wanting to contribute back, I decided to take the role. Thankfully, the summit was a huge success as I had the guidance of Jeff and Grace. In 2020, as the nation was under many different versions of the Movement Control Order, I actually spend time to enhancing my coaching skills.  

For me, this journey has shown me that truly, it is my calling and after the strange and exciting journey to being a coach, I believe I can do more thing in the next 5 years for ICF. Doors are opening to me to learn more about coaching and coaching people.  We will be impacting many young lives and entrepreneurs. I realised that I have been coaching many people since I started work and that I have learned the skills of listening and being present so early in my life. My objective is clear, I want to help people transform their lives and overcome challenges. #KitaBantuKita. Join me as we come together and build a bigger, stronger and more united ICF Malaysia!

Ranjinath Muniandy, ACC

Ranjinath has been working for multiple industries since 1986. He started his career as a Computer Tutor, moving on to System Analyst and Design, Project Management and Business Analyst. He has taken many roles including individual contributor and managing teams. What was more apparent was that he was recognised as…read more

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