
What makes for an Impactful Conversation?

13 September 2021

“Thank you for saying that”

“Wow, I never thought of it that way!”

“You make me so happy”

Do any of these ring a bell? Has someone came up to you and said this? Most of us remember when we are complimented, or when we have just had a positive interaction with someone. Why?

Is it because it made us feel good? Yes! But, is that it?

A great conversation provides us an emotional connection. Transcending beyond the words uttered.

The emotional connection is usually spontaneous, supportive, and unassuming.

A powerful conversation has the strength to penetrate through the thickest walls of fear, denial, doubt, and so on. It possesses the power to transform.

So what makes for a great conversation? Can this be developed?

Well, one of the keys lie in one of the words mentioned above… can you guess?

Hint: It starts with an ‘E’!

Got it?

I’m sure you did! Emotion! If a great conversation is emotionally impactful, then the key must sure lie there, correct?

So the Foundational basis of our emotional state is a great starting point towards understanding how to cultivate richer conversations around us.

Put simply: How you feel in the moment could colour your interactions with others.

Then, here’s a thought: Does that mean the better we understand ourselves, the more grounded we feel in a conversation?

So here’s to wishing you an emotionally great day. And to being someone’s (or even your own) bright spot today.

Coach’s Note:

Conversations are one part of communication that leads to powerful exchange of ideas, transformative experiences, and invaluable support. Emotions can play such an amazing role on our behaviour that they have the ability to create the spring board from which we act. Becoming aware of our emotional tapestry is a great start for a coaching experience. Words have a powerful way of making us aware of that inner world. When weaved into an impactful conversation, it ripples with potential.

Madhavi Selvakumar, Member


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