International Coaching Week 2023

International Coaching Week (ICW) is an event that ICF in collaboration with the local chapters celebrates annually. Launched in 1999, the aim of ICW is to educate and share to the wider public about the value of working with a professional coach and acknowledge the results and progress made through this coaching process.

Through this week long celebration and through our partnership with businesses and organizations we will be demonstrating the value of coaching.  We want to empower individuals, organizations and communities to come and understand, explore, test and discover the possibilities that coaching provides. Especially in the context of this year’s theme which is “Explore Your Potential.” 

We want you to consider and explore how coaching can impact you, your communities and our world. Exploring Your Potential will inspire you to further take control of your life and navigate your own unique pathway. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership – a management approach to empowering your people and teams to move toward the future.

Come join us as we help you reach your potential and explore your goals, through our talks, coaching demos and pro-bono sessions offered by our very own ICFM members. Come have fun and celebrate the coaching week with us.


Click HERE to register as volunteer.