Opportunity to provide a 50-minute coaching session to Human Resource/Learning & Development/Organization Development professionals across the region.

ICF Malaysia has participated in a cross-chapter sponsored research covering predominantly the South East Asia (SEA) region. With the publication of the report – Study into Trends in OD Interventions in SEA, we are inviting survey respondents from across the region to join a webinar about the research and to take advantage of a completely confidential, 1-on-1 ‘experience coaching’ session (in Zoom breakout rooms) during the webinar itself. The event will be run several times across 3 dates to suit people’s agendas and time zones. The events will take place on zoom with the following schedules:
- 18th February
- 10am-2pm (Singapore/HK/KL/Manila time)
- 2pm-4pm (Singapore/HK/KL/Manila time)
- 7pm-9pm (Singapore/HK/KL/Manila time)
- 25th February (Singapore/HK/KL/Manila time)
- 10am-2pm
- 13th March
- 2pm-4pm (Singapore/HK/KL/Manila time)
From ICF Malaysia we are seeking volunteer coaches to coach in this event. Coaches are required to hold an active ACC/PCC/MCC credential and be current chapter affiliated ICF member.
The full event will last a maximum of 2 hours including the 1-on-1 coaching session of 50 minutes. Coaches are required to be present for the entire event. This is being offered pro-bono to the participant and it is between the coach and coachee to liaise thereafter if they would wish to continue with coaching on mutually agreed terms.
Sign up is required and places will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, dependent on the selection criteria. Note that each chapter is looking to secure just 4-5 coaches each, so available slots for coaches are limited.