Opportunity to provide a 45-minute coaching session to business owners in Malaysia.

One of ICF Malaysia’s key focus is to create collaboration with business associations in order to provide members with the opportunity to expand our network. To do this, the Management Committee has identified the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO) Malaysia as a partner started in October 2020.
ICF Malaysia has been invited to create awareness on the benefits of professional coaching through implementing Coaching Culture within the organisation. As part of the “Building a Coaching Culture” Learning Workshop designed and facilitated by our members, we will also be providing a 45-minute coaching session that will allow the entrepreneurs the opportunity to experience coaching.
To facilitate a successful “Experience Coaching” session, we would like to invite volunteer coaches to come onboard to support this program. There are altogether 5 independent workshops which will need 15 volunteer coaches in each workshop. The following are the requirements:
- ICF credentialed coach (ACC, PCC or MCC)
- Possess at least 2 years’ experience in leadership coaching or executive coaching.
It is our intention to share this opportunity with as many members as possible, and on first-come-first -served basis. Members who are keen to join, please indicate your available schedule by registering your interest using the registration link below. You may select more than one available schedule. We look forward to your active participation as the Management Committee continue to create more meaningful collaborations!